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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Today a day of sadness because there is a earth quake and tsunami happen in Japan...Actually there is no other sign that Malaysia have to fear....Today China have a 6.0 earthquake..Luckily there is not people die in China...In Japan there are almost 40000 people die...Take a look at the picture

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My question for today is : Do the mankind will be gone on 2012

Monday, February 7, 2011

Life outside of our solar system
Do UFOs really exist? If so, why is it that there is no physical evidence? What are the odds of other planets harboring life?
For centuries mankind has been asking questions about extra terrestrial beings. At first, sightings were attributed to deities or angels and more recently as UFO's. It is not until the advent of modern technology and flight that we have started to label celestial apparitions as UFO's (unidentified flying objects).
What are the odds of life developing on other worlds? Very high indeed. Some research has been done by Stephen Hawkins and a multitude of world renowned scientists. Logical calculations have brought them to the conclusion that life is probably not unique to earth. They discovered this by analyzing the universe and quantifying celestial bodies. They have accomplished this by an extensive process of elimination. Their findings concluded that the odds are astronomically high that life could have evolved on other planets and most agree that is more a probability than a possibility.
Some people might wonder why we have no physical evidence whatsoever. There many reason for this fact but basically, they are way more advanced than us and they do not wish to reveal themselves. Way advanced of us could mean billions of years ahead in technology. With the age of the universe at around 20 billion years, life could have evolved before and/or after human beings. The odds that they would have evolved at our rate are next to impossible.
On the universal hourglass, centuries and millenniums are mere grains of sand. How advanced will we be (if we don't self destruct) in a few centuries, millennium, millions or even billions of years?
How much more advanced are we and how is our technology superior to a bacteria's? If we observe an ants nest and do not wish for them to realize our presence they won't, period. What is there to say that a UFO can't just hover over us and observe? If we get glimpses of them it's more than likely intentional on their part.
Some people might argue that the spaceship could malfunction and we would see some physical evidence in the case of an accident. But again, their technology would be so advanced that they wouldn't crash. A near impossibility. If they have the technology to travel to earth on a journey of let's say millions of light years away, why would they crash on earth? If you drive your car at 1 mph on an empty airport runway, would it be possible to roll the car? Less than 100 years ago we couldn't even fly, but now we fly relatively safely everyday in earth's atmosphere. I doubt that we would still be having accidents in another million years or so of additional technological evolution.
Additionally, their technology would be so advanced that we cannot even imagine what they could do. How could you explain to a Neanderthal that one day we would harness the power of the atom? He wouldn't even know what an atom is. In other words, even if some accident DID happen to the spaceship? It would probably self destruct with zero evidence, unless they wanted us to know that is.
So in conclusion, do UFO's really exist? The answer is yes, but they just won't reveal themselves to us.
Asteroid May Hit Earth March 21, 2014 AFP

Artist's Rendition Of An Asteroid Impact
Sept. 2, 2003 British astronomers monitoring near-Earth objects said Tuesday there was a slim chance that a newly-discovered asteroid could hit Earth in March 2014.
The large rock known as 2003 QQ47 has a mass of around 2.6 billion tons, and is around two-thirds of a mile wide. The possible collision on March 21, 2014, has been classified as "an event meriting careful monitoring" on the Torino scale, which rates the chances of newly discovered asteroids and comets hitting the Earth.
The asteroid is around one-tenth of the size of the meteor that is believed to have wiped out dinosaurs on Earth 65 million years ago. In the unlikely event of 2003 QQ47 hitting Earth, the rock would have the force of 350,000 megatons around eight million times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped over Hiroshima, Japan in 1945.
On impact it would be traveling at 75,000 miles per hour. But astronomers say the probability of such a collision was just one in 909,000, and while they could make an educated guess as to the day of impact, they could not reckon exactly where it would be. "As additional observations are made over the coming months, and the uncertainties decrease, asteroid 2003 QQ47 is likely to drop down the Torino scale," said Kevin Yates, project manager of the near-Earth object information center in Leicestershire, central England. The center was set up by the British government to keep track and provide reliable information on near-Earth objects, also known as NEOs.
Asteroids such as 2003 QQ47 are chunks of rock left over from the formation of the solar system 4.5 billion years ago. Most are kept at a safe distance from Earth in the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. But the gravitational influence of giant planets such as Jupiter can nudge asteroids out of these safe orbits and send them plunging into the Earth's neighborhood.